Monday, 7 March 2011

By the wall, you were 5'10" tall.

                            Bitches love yellow flowers.

Been a while since I've blogged, but believe you me, I've got plans for this here blog.  You'll see.

Recently, I've been working on a number of projects, including the one mentioned in the post below.  But finally, a project I started a while back has come to a head.  The image above is a sample from a strip called 'Berlin', scripted by myself with art and lettering by Conor Boyle and will be appearing in a forthcoming anthology called Doctor WTF? compiled and edited by Owen Watts.

Doctor WTF? is a Doctor Who fanzine that aims to do away with tiresome things like continuity and decorum, in favour of presenting a series of strange, exciting and occasionally obscene standalone fables.  Personally, I was very excited by the prospect of ignoring continuity, which I think comics generally labour over too hard.  We know that Batman's a fictional character and if anything in his 70 year history doesn't quite add up, we'll put it down to this fact and the fact that his stories have been told by hundreds and hundreds of talented people across multiple mediums.  It doesn't matter whether the Joker was the Red Hood or a failed comedian, just get on with the fucking story!

With that micro-rant out of the way, let's get to the meat of this post.  When Doctor WTF? comes out, you really ought to buy it.  To see more, get your bad self on the Doctor WTF Facebook group.  EOT.